
Driftsättning av M3 på Flokk:s produktions-site Connection i UK

juni 13, 2023

Driftsättningen av M3 på Flokks produktions-site Connection i UK.

Flokk är en ledande europeisk tillverkare av sittmöbler för kontor. En gemensam ERP-lösning för deras produktionsanläggningar är en viktig faktor för att effektivisera processer och uppnå synergier efter förvärv.

M3CS har tillsammans med Flokk driftsatt M3 på deras produktions-site Connection i UK. Driftstarten har gått väldigt bra och Flokk har utryckt att de är väldigt nöjda både med M3 lösningen och vårt samarbete som bygger på en långsiktig relation. Våra konsulter har tillsammans med Flokk implementerat M3 på flertalet produktionssajter genom åren och tillsammans byggt ett starkt implementationsteam.

Se nedan kommentarer från Flokk och deras tankar kring projektet.

“I want to thank all of you for your contribution and dedication in the M3 project for Connection! It has been an intense project and go-live period that culminated in a successful go-live and first week of operations. As usual the cooperation with M3CS has worked well and together we have created results and had fun at the same time”.
John Birger Tronsaune, VP IT

Integration of M3 in Mirfield completed
What an exciting journey we have been through in the UK, since Flokk announced the acquisition of Connection around one year ago (March 1st 2022).

After the move of the factory in October last year and the launch of the new showroom in Manchester three weeks ago, we now reached another important milestone: the integration of the IT-systems into the common system M3. With the integrated systems we now have a common back-bone in place.

The last few weeks have been hard work and a lot of extra hours, with a major effort from colleagues working last weekend – but it was worth it. The go-live on the morning of 15th May went exceptionally well!

“I can’t be any prouder of the team that has delivered M3 into the Mirfield manufacturing and distribution site. Colleagues at Mirfield and from across the Flokk organisation have collaborated in a positive, engaging and purposeful manner, together with external consultants to ensure the whole process was a success but done in a friendly and joyous manner. The number of laughs was in equal measure to the number of challenges and tricky situations we faced. The biggest success from the process will be the forging of long lasting business relationships and friendship between the team members across the whole Flokk family.”
Andy Brook, UK Operations Director

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